
Use Your Data to Gain an Edge and Set Your Dental Organization Apart

Dec 29, 2021

An “edge.” Athletes, teams, big and small businesses, and your dental organization want it. And you can get an “edge through how you use your data to set your dental organization apart.

”The best-run companies are data-driven, and this skill sets businesses apart from their competition.” – Tomasz Tunguz

It’s that “competitive edge” we’re talking about. The sports analogy is useful here – especially relative to data analytics.

”Simply put, data helps you see the performance. Sports teams are a great example of businesses that collect performance data to make their teams better. There isn’t a professional team, today, that does not employ a team of data collectors and analysts to help support and improve play on the field. They are always updating data about who’s doing what well and how that can help the team excel, overall.”

The essence of data usage

Data covers a lot of yardages. It’s helpful to be reminded about its core uses (some we’ve covered here).

Data influences decision-making

All that data you’re generating is full of potential. Your dental organization can mine it to make better decisions about:

Data enables problem-solving techniques

Performance issues within your dental organization can be evaluated using data. And data points can help you break a complex problem into manageable parts you can solve one at a time – leading to scalable solutions.

Data helps refine your workflows and systems

Your organization’s internal processes are driving your growth or diminishing it. Data helps you spot the under-performing systems and create solutions for improved efficiency.

Sure, there’s more you can extract from your available data. But these cover the essence as you determine to use data to achieve an edge and set your dental organization apart.

How to use data to set your dental organization apart

Increase the legitimacy of data

The legitimate use of data starts by allowing it to influence your organization. In this era of being data-centric, it’s common to invest in someone who will locate, monitor, and leverage your data.

Data is too valuable to be left unattended.

  • Strategize your approach to data by giving it a priority.
  • Appoint, hire, or promote someone to have leadership over your data strategy.
  • Innovate and establish accountability around data discoveries.

Leverage data to create positive change

This gives credibility to the one responsible for your dental organization’s data strategy. Even so, be realistic in setting their role expectations.

  • Keep the communication “channel” open between your organization’s “data chief(s)” and your leadership team(s).
  • Provide the necessary tools to equip your data chief(s) (e.g. software, data analytics dashboards, etc)
  • Evaluate your organization’s goals and strategic plans around discovered or monitored data

Be aware of how data usage is perceived across your organization

Data should create momentum, not tension. Realize that some might view data analysis as intrusive or micro-managing.

It’s useful to create a positive impression about data for the practices within your organization. Data sharing without proper orientation about its value could be unnecessarily polarizing for some.

  • Clarify and communicate your process for acquiring, monitoring, and using data within your organization.
  • Follow privacy and protective protocols to assure your team(s) that your data strategy will be deployed with integrity.
  • Avoid bias in your data acquisition by balancing technology input with team input.

Think of this as having data character. Data is a powerful tool and it should be handled with the best of intentions.

Being a stand-out dental organization is rooted in not just an appreciation for data but also prioritizing it as a strategy.

Check out the following resources to gain insight into how you can use data to set your dental organization apart:

How to use data to scale and grow your dental organization

5 Ways to Transform Your Results With Dental Analytics

Standout data analytics requires the right tools

The Jarvis Analytics platform helps assure that you’re tracking the important metrics and staying on track with your goals as your dental practice and/or DSO grows and expands.

Experience Jarvis in action. Request a demo today!


Contact us for more information about data tracking that leads to stand-out patient care and organizational profitability.


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